Sunday, June 1, 2008

How do you say alien in Mayan?

After seeing Indiana Jones, I am certain that I understand how that movie came into being. George Lucas was sitting around drinking...heavily...and saw a prop head from Aliens. Mr. Lucas then proceeded to stand up and exclaim "Bugger all, let's write a bloody movie!" And thus Jones the fourth was born.

The movie was entertaining. Suspend any recollection of the real world you may have, and the movie is funny. But there were a few things that really bothered me. 1) While a lead lined refrigerator may in fact shield you from some radiation, it will not shield you from a several hundred foot fall. They would have opened that fridge and Ol' Henry would have been broken and dead. 2) I have a degree in Classical Greek. If someone came to me and was speaking ancient Greek, I would have no idea what they were saying. Ancient languages are taught as a reading skill, not speaking. Just because he is an archaeologist it does not mean he can speak ancient alien. 3) Who were the psychotic people guarding the tomb? Who were the guys who came out of the walls at the temple? What was the gift that the "inter-dimensional beings" wanted to give them? How did Marian survive getting whacked by that branch? Who stole the skull in the first place? Why would the conquistador go looking for a skull that he also was apparently the one who stole? How did Jones become the Associate Dean when all evidence of his discovery were destroyed? All evidence of all his discoveries has been destroyed?

They took half a good movie, and then filled the rest of it with crap. I was entertained, but I don't think I will see it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also, where did the Russians keep getting those reinforcements from? There were only 4 or so when they went into the river. And how did they get down a big shaft after the stairs have retracted into the wall?

Why was the conquistador given an honorific ceremonial burial, with mummification and whatnot? How did he get the skull out of a room you need the skull to get into in the first place? If these crystal guys can open wormholes and light people on fire, why didn't they light the conquistador on fire instead of letting him yoink a big fat chunk of their collective consciousness?

And since the other movies confirmed they're around, what do God and Khali think of these interdimensional fellows? You'd think God might weigh in on this one.

And this one really bothered me:

That "magnetic box" in the beginning of the movie took them forever to find as they followed the gun powder draw by its magnetic field. When they moved it, the lights moved with it, drawn to its magnetic pull. Instead of chasing gunpowder, why didn't they just look for a stack of boxes all the lights were pointing at?