Thursday, February 12, 2009

Push ups! (not that kind)

Have at ye Kurt! After reading your post I too feel inspired to aspire to pushing up glory! And so I challenge you to a push up off...a contest in which we see who can make it to the goal of one hundred push ups (and certainly not a shameless stunt to attempt to draw traffic to my blog)! What sayeth thee?


Kurt Pankau said...

I accept, and I feel guilty, having already started. If I follow the program without stumbling, I'll hit my goal in just under 6 weeks.

Also, Theo apparently would kick both of our asses if he joined in. Maybe we can get Evan in on it, too.

The0 said...

hmmm. methinks i might actually have to try to keep my mantel of glory. settles it then, i'll go ahead and jump in at week five.
