Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Medical Myths

Medical Myth #42: Muscle pain during exercise is due to the build up of lactic acid.
Reality: While lactic acid is a by product of anaerobic glycolysis, and muscle cells derive their primary energy from glycolysis, there is not significant lactic acid build up. Glucose, under anaerobic conditions, is converted into lactate (-ate = -ic acid in sciency speak) which is shunted from the muscle cell. The muscle soreness caused by exercise is actually the result of microscopic damage done to the myocytes (muscle cells).

Medical Myth #675: Alcohol causes frequent urination.
Alcohol consumption inhibits the ability of the pituitary gland to secrete vasopressin, and anti-diuretic hormone. This results in polyuria, or frequent urination. Interestingly, this can also contribute to the dehydration that often accompanies heavy alcohol use.

Have a medical myth/question you would like me to attempt to answer? I promise to use at least 3/4 of my ass! Just post your question as a comment to this entry.


The0 said...

Why does it burn when I pee? Kidding, I am.

What the hell causes cramps?

Kurt Pankau said...

Why DOES it burn when Theo pees?

Also, how does a head rush work?