Friday, October 30, 2009

Let's open some windows

This just in! Important people wear jeans! Holy crap, what could this possibly mean? Well, thanks to The Wall Street Journal we need no longer live in fear of powerful people and their casual leg ware. According to the old Journal "Chosen well, jeans can suggest the wearer is confident and modern. Traditionally cut blue jeans carry a whiff of the laborer about them, so denim on a leader suggests a willingness to roll up the sleeves and dig in. There's also something of the rebel in a pair of jeans. In the boardroom, that can read as creative."
I disagree. I believe that important people are now wearing jeans for one simple reason. They all woke up one morning and decided that they were tired of these mother-$@#!%@^ slacks on these mother-%@$!#@% business trips.

Seriously news, stop wasting our time.

1 comment:

Kurt Pankau said...

Man, I totally should have worn jeans this morning. I'm in a light shirt and khaki's. I look like a goddamn Bible salesman.