Today Microsoft announced that there is a major security issue with Internet Explorer. The issue is why the hell are you still using IE and not FireFox or Chrome.
In other news,
I know I said the caption contest comic would be up by now. I have a confession...congratulations Evan, you have out funnied me. I have been staring at that panel for a week now and I can not come up with anything that makes "With Master Chiefs extreme bacon, only the sun is hot enough" any better. It is fantastic as a single panel, and to be honest I laughed so much I had to change my pants...So I apologize for my inability, and you win this round sir.
For anyone who reads this still and is interested, I will be in St. Louis from July 12-July 25 for a preceptorship. Although I will be in clinic and hospital most of the time, I am sure I will find some free time. On a side note, if anyone who is familiar with the current state of the highway 40 construction could tell me if it is open all the way up to brentwood, it would be much appreciated.